Sep 232016

Currently, I’m working on automating the setup of a authoritative DNS server, namely gdnsd. There are many nice features in gdnsd, but what might be interesting for you, that it requires the zone data to be in the regular RFC1035 compliant format. This is also true for bind, probably the most widely used DNS server, therefore the approach explained here, could be also used for bind. Again I wanted to use Ansible as automation framework, not only to setup and configure the service, but also to generate the DNS zone file. One reason for this is, because gdnsd doesn’t support zone transfers, therefore Ansible should be used as synchronization mechanism and because in my opinion the JSON-based inventory format is a simple, generic but very powerful data interface. Especially when considering the dynamic inventory feature of Ansible, one is completely free where and how to actually store the configuration data.

There are already a number of Ansible bind roles available, however they mostly use a very simple approach when it’s about configuring the zone file and its serial. When generating zone files with an automation tool the trickiest part is the handling of the serial number, which has to be increased on every zone update. I’d like to explain what solutions I implemented to solve this challenge.

Zone data generation must be idempotent
One strength of Ansible is, that it can be run over and over again and only ever changes something in the system if the current state is not as desired. In my context this means, that the zone file only needs to be updated if the zone data from the inventory has changed. Therefore, also the serial number only ever has to be updated in that case. But how to know if the data has changed?

Using the powerful Jinja2 templating engine, I defined dictionary and assigned every value which would later go into the zone file. Then, I’ll create a checksum over the dictionary content and save it as comment into the zone file. If the checksum changed, the serial has to be updated. Otherwise the zone file includes the old serial and nothing changed. In practice this would look like this:

  1. Read the hash and serial which are saved as comment in the existing zone file and register a temporary variable. It will be empty if the zone file doesn’t exist yet:
    - name: Read zone hash and serial
      shell: 'grep "^; Hash:" /etc/gdnsd/zones/ || true'
      register: gdnsd__register_hash_and_serial
  2. Define a task which will update the zone file:
    - name: Generate forward zones
        src: 'etc/gdnsd/zones/forward_zone.j2'
        dest: '/etc/gdnsd/zones/'
  3. In the template, create a dictionary holding the zone data:
    {% set _zone_data = {} %}
    {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'ttl': item.ttl}) %}
    {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'domain': ''}) %}
  4. Create an intermediate variable _hash_and_serial holding the hash and serial read from the zone file before:
    {% set _hash_and_serial = gdnsd__register_hash_and_serial.stdout.split(' ')[2:] %}
  5. Create a hash from the final _zone_data dictionary, compare it with the hash (first element) in _hash_and_serial. If the hashes are equal set the serial as read before (second element) in _hash_and_serial. Otherwise set a new serial which was previously saved in gdnsd__fact_zone_serial (see following section):
    {% set _zone = {'hash': _zone_data | string | hash('md5')} %}
    {% if _hash_and_serial and _hash_and_serial[0] == _zone['hash'] %}
    {%   set _ = _zone.update({'serial': _hash_and_serial[1]}) %}
    {% else %}
    {%   set _ = _zone.update({'serial': gdnsd__fact_zone_serial}) %}
    {% endif %}
  6. Safe the final hash and serial as comment to the zone file:
    ; Hash: {{ _zone['hash'] }} {{ _zone['serial'] }}

Identical zone serial on distributed servers
I didn’t explain yet, how gdnsd__fact_zone_serial is defined. Initially, I simply had ansible_date_time.epoch, which corresponds the Unix time, assigned to the serial. This is the simplest way to make sure the serial is numerical and each zone update results in an increased value. However, in the introduction I also mentioned the issue of distributing the zone files between a set of DNS servers. Obviously, if they have the same zone data, they must also have the same serial.

To make sure multiple servers are using the same serial for a zone update, the serial is not computed individually in each template task execution, but once for each playbook run. In Ansible, one can specify that a task must only run once, even the playbook is executed on multiple servers. Therefore I defined such a task to store the Unix time in the temporary fact gdnsd__fact_zone_serial which is used in the zone template on all servers:

- name: Generate serial
    gdnsd__fact_zone_serial: '{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}'
  run_once: True

This approach is still not perfect. It won’t compare the two generated zone files between a set of servers. So you have to make sure that the zone data in the inventory is the same for all servers. Also, if you update the servers individually, the serial is generated twice and therefore are different, even when the zone data is identical. At the moment I can’t see any elegant approach to solve those issues. If you have some ideas, please let me know…

The example code listed above is a simplified version of my real code. If you are interested in the entire role, have a look at ganto/ansible-gdnsd. I hope this could give you some useful examples for using some of the more advanced Ansible features in a real-world scenario.