Oct 012019

I’m starting a new series of blog posts summarizing my various activities regarding free software projects. There might not be every month something worth mentioning, but this month I was quite busy what might be interesting for some of you.

Following I’ll list some of the activities I was involved regarding free software projects in September:

  • After the official release of CentOS 8, I started rebuilding the packages in my lxc3 COPR repository for CentOS 8. The lxd package is still missing and I’m planning to provide it for CentOS 8 together with the pending update to lxd-3.17. A rebuild of the packages in my various other COPR repositories can be expected in the coming weeks.
  • Being the package maintainer of the spectre-meltdown-checker package in Fedora and EPEL, I followed the instructions to request a package branch for epel-8. This was approved a few hours ago, so the packages is now available via Koji and awaits approval in Bodhi for inclusion into the EPEL testing and eventually stable repository. Please give some karma if you’d like to accelerate this.
  • I merged some pull-requests in the Gentoo go-overlay git repository where the original maintainer entrusted me with commit permissions. Because he didn’t participate since last December, I used the chance to cleanup the repository to pass the repoman checks again and eventually merged a PR for the latest traeffik 1.x (1.7.18) release.
  • I put some effort into packaging the Gnome 3.34 release in my personal Gentoo linuxmonk-overlay. Of course I’m running it on my main workstation on top of Wayland without any major issues so far. Give it a try if you can’t wait for the official ebuilds to be ready.
  • I released version 0.1.2 of my acme-tiny Ansible role which fixes an annoying bug. It could happen that if the certificate renewal was unsuccessful, a still valid certificate would have been overwritten with an empty file. Now the role will make a backup copy of the old certificate by default and validate the new certificate before replacing the old one.

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