Oct 182009

Since I was using the nice FineGradePermissions feature of the trac 0.11 release, and Debian was only providing trac-0.10.3 in Etch, I had a custom trac installation running on my Etch server. For migrating to Lenny you would normally think that it’s enough to just copy your project directory to the new installation. Unfortunately this results in a nasty error message:

DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database

Hmn, so let’s check the trac migration guide which advises you to first export the sqlite database with sqlite3 in a plain SQL file. Not much luck here either, the result is an empty database:

# sqlite3 trac.db .dump

The reason is the trac installation in Etch was using the python-sqlite-1.0.1 back-end which uses the SQLite 2 format while in Lenny there is python-pysqlite2-2.4.1 which only knows about SQLite 3.

The conversion from SQLite 2 to 3 can be done by first exporting the database with the sqlite tool and then re-importing it with sqlite3:

# sqlite trac.db .dump | sqlite3 trac3.db

More infos about this can be found at the trac upgrade notes from 0.8.x to 0.9.

Finally your trac installation should work again as usual.

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